Join the Allen-Clay Joint Fire District
The Allen-Clay Joint Fire District is accepting applications for part-paid Firefighters and EMTs. You do not need to currently have any certifications to join, ACJFD will provide all neccessary training for certifications.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age upon appointment to the fire dept. That means you must be at least 18 years old when you are sworn in. If you are under 18 and still have an interest to join, please still fill out the form below.
Applicants must posses a valid driver's license
Applicants must possess a high school diploma (or GED tests equivalency) at the time of appointment)
Applicants must pass a background check
Applicants must not have been convicted of a felony
The Allen-Clay Joint Fire District offers diffrent postions as well.
Personnel that do not have certifications yet, or have certifications but are new to the ACJFD. Personnel that have certifications have a probationary period of one year. Personnel that do not have certifications have a period of three years to obtain certification of EMT, for EMS only and EMT and FF 1 for Fire and EMS.
Part-paid EMS only
EMS only personnel respond from home to the fire station for EMS calls.
Part-paid Call EMS and Fire
Personnel respond from home to the fire station for EMS and Fire calls.
Medic 35 EMT-B / FF 1 or FF 2
Personnel from within the Fire District may apply to work shifts on Medic 35 after being on the fire dept, and holding certifications for more then three years.
Medic 35 EMT-P / FF 1 or FF 2
Personnel from within the Fire District may apply to work shifts on Medic 35 after being on the fire dept, and holding certifications for more then three years. This postion is also occasionally opened to EMT-P/FF 1 or FF 2 from outside the district as postions are needed.